NPP – American Brand

NPP – American Brand

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Current price is: $98.88. Original price was: $120.00.

Product Name: NPP 100mg
Active Ingredient: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Use for: Improved estimina
Concentration: 100mg
Presentation: 10ml
Dosage Men: 200-40mg/week for 6-12 weeks
Ship From: USA

Current price is: $98.88. Original price was: $120.00.

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SKU: FG-American-upline6925 Categories:

What is NPP – American Brand?

NPP, or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, is a popular American brand of anabolic steroid. NPP belongs to AAS. NPP came into being from the synthetic form of the testosterone hormone. known as nandrolone, NPP is derived. In the vast world of body and muscle building, NPP is very well known. It plays a vital role when it comes to muscle building and enhancement. It also helps in betterment in the performance of athletes. That is why, in the world of athletics, it is a favorite. NPP resembles testosterone which is the male sex hormone. It is known for its anabolic properties like muscle building. For repairing tissues, it also plays a vital role. NPP acts faster in the body in a short period of time. You can buy NPP from our steroids shop as we deal with genuine products. 

How Does NPP Work?

Npp works by binding to androgen receptors. It does so primarily in muscle tissues. This binding triggers a series of reactions.  These reactions enhance protein synthesis resulting in muscle growth. Npp can help increase red blood cell production. NPP or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate improves oxygen carrying capacity and endurance.

Uses of NPP

NPP is used for:

  • Muscle Growth: NPP is commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes to promote muscle growth and strength gains.
  • Injury Recovery: It can aid in the recovery of muscle and joint injuries due to its tissue-repairing properties.
  • Anemia Treatment: NPP has been used medically to treat anemia by increasing red blood cell production.


Like other gear steroids the dosage of NPP can vary depending on individual goals and experience. Typically, users take between 100-300mg per week, split into 2-3 injections. However, before you buy steroids online it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Benefits of NPP

The following are the benefits of using NPP:

  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Enhanced recovery from strenuous workouts or injuries
  • Improved joint health and lubrication
  • Boosted red blood cell production for endurance
  • Enhanced nitrogen retention for better protein synthesis

Side Effects of NPP

The side effects of NPP are as follows:

  • Testosterone Suppression: NPP can suppress natural testosterone production, potentially leading to low testosterone levels.
  • Androgenic Effects: Some users may experience side effects like acne, hair loss, and increased body hair growth.
  • Cardiovascular Risks: NPP can affect cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Mood Changes: Mood swings and aggression are possible side effects.
  • Virilization (in women): Women using NPP may develop male characteristics such as a deeper voice and facial hair.

Where to buy NPP – American Brand online?

You can buy NPP – American Brand from many online sources but you must make sure of their authenticity. We, Finest Gears, have proudly set benchmarks in the steroids industry. We have other steroids for sale as well. Buy NPP – American Brand online from us right away!