NPP 150mg/ml – Nakon Medical

NPP 150mg/ml – Nakon Medical

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CLASSIFICATION: Anabolic Steroid
DOSAGE: Men 200-700 mg/week
ACNE: Rarely
WAREHOUSE: USA Warehouse 16
SUBSTANCE: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate


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Introduction, NPP 150 mg:

NPP 150 is considered similar to anabolic steroids because this drug is used by bodybuilders in order to gain weight. Anabolic steroid is also known as Gear Steroid that is used for the same purpose. Bodybuilders also need this drug to improve their immune system and get power.

The most frequently asked question is what is nandrolone phenylpropionate?  This steroid contains phenylpropionate which is somehow similar to the testosterone hormone of the body.

How does NPP 150 mg work?

The nandrolone phenylpropionate is a steroid that has a short chain of esters. Because of the shorter chain the substances work more rapidly within 1 or 2 days.

When you Buy steroids Online it works to decrease the androgenic effect by combining with testosterone. That is why it is useful for bodybuilders.

NPP 150 mg Dosage:

The dosage of npp steroid is given mostly in the form of injections. So it is your responsibility to get some basic knowledge and then use it for injecting. For the male the required dose is between 100 to 200 mg daily. And for the females it should be 50 to 100 mg one time in three days.

When you buy npp Steroid for Sale, it is used for the period of 7-8 weeks. If your intake dose is more than mentioned by the doctor then there is a risk of occurring side effects.

NPP 150 mg Benefits:

When you ake a proper dose then it will give benefits like providing a source that will give more energy. It also increases the weight and strength of muscles. It also works in a way that will surely increase the immunity of a person and also helps in burning fat.

NPP 150 mg Side effects:

It will give side effects like acne, hair growth , and changes in voice. In male it will also increase the size of the breast. Steroid Warehouse provides good quality steroids with relatively less side effects.

Where to buy NPP 150 mg online?

You can buy npp from any Steroid shop online website Finest Gears is the place from where you can buy npp in a good quality. The nandrolone for sale us is also available there. You should prefer to Buy Steroids USA if you want to get good results.