YK11 & MK677

YK11 & MK677

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Current price is: $113.99. Original price was: $124.00.

YK-11 5mg + MK-677 15mg (YK-11 & MK-677 )
Usage: 1-3 capsules
Capsule per container: 45-90
Amount per capsule: (20mg)
Half life: YK-11 6-10 hours & MK-677 24 hours

Not intended for human consumption. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase.

These Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. this product is note intended to cure, prevent treat or diagnose an disease.

YK-11 5mg + MK-677 15mg (YK-11 & MK-677 )
Usage: 1-3 capsules
Capsule per container: 45-90
Amount per capsule: (20mg)
Half life: YK-11 6-10 hours & MK-677 24 hours

Not intended for human consumption. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase.

These Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. this product is note intended to cure, prevent treat or diagnose an disease.

Current price is: $113.99. Original price was: $124.00.

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SKU: FG-Spectre Labs-domestic5681 Categories:

Introduction of YK-11 and MK-677:

YK-11 and MK-677 is a drug that is used to start up the growth of muscles and strengthen muscles. Sarms for sale also act as a catalyst for reaction of protein formation in the body. It is a SARM product that helps in tissue repair after its damage.

MK-677 for sale is a drug that is also used to build up strong muscles and cause rapid increment of body muscular mass. It is powerful that causes an increase in plasma level of growth hormone. are available online.

How YK-11 and MK-677 works?

The working of YK-11 is the same as most of the steroids and sarms for sale. It activates androgen receptors by binding with it for its effect and to carry out its mechanism.YK11 are easily available on any online retailers store.

MK–677 peptides  bind to the receptor and cause its activation for release of ghrelin which helps in increasing concentration of body growth hormone.


YK-11 for sale is purchased by patients and doctors suggest to take doses 10-20mg/day and it should be completed in about 6-8 cycles. The dosage may vary for different individuals.

MK-677 for sale can be taken in a range of about 5 mg/day to 20 mg/day. It depends on the tolerance and capacity of the individual body. 


Both of the Sarms for sale are available and used for building muscles and body mass just by activating the protein production mechanisms and it also removes excess fat cells from the body.

MK-677 benefits include muscle repair and increment in body energy level just like YK-11.

You can easily Buy sarms online  and use it to increase the BMR of an individual and cause high concentration of growth hormone.

Side Effects:

The most common side effects when you purchase these drugs from Steroids Warehouses and don’t use excessively will cause urge to vomit, feeling of dizziness, exhaustion after doing little chores, joint pain and acne on the body.

YK-11 also causes an increment in plasma concentration of Follistatin. Over dosage of both these drugs may lead to very serious side effects.  

Where to buy YK-11 and MK-677 Online?

Many online brands are offering purchasing of these drugs but finest gear is the best company which is recommended by the majority of people. It provides high quality products. Gear steroids which are the very best type of steroid are available almost on every brand.